Vol 6 / Epilogue

12/28 Wednesday
Las Vegas, NV.
Big Jim at Competition Service likes Brownie. Though he’s not a fan, he really digs those Green Bay Packers personalized license plates. Told that the word CTYRKA on the plates means “4” in Czech slang, he replied with a verbose “oh” (obviously not a Brett Favre fan). After shelling out $149 and promising to return sometime, We (Brownie & me) rolled out of town for home, not stopping at any establishments espousing the pleasures of that axis of evil: alchohol, gambling, & sex. After all, it is the xmas season...

Feedback! More comments from readers.
we were all meant to be seekers. that's why god gave us curiosity. of course, you'll never find what you're looking
for. that's the joy of it. the journey and the destination are inseparable.

-Truck on brother!!!

-Why is it that whenever someone who considers themselves a "conservative" confronts views that conflict with their own, they immediately label the opposing point of view thoughtless or "paint by numbers" or other such derogatory nonsense?

Solitude apparently is working it's magic on you and I wonder/hope the experience will improve your layups. Probably shouldn't reach that high from just one week in the Outback.

My lack of complex return comments is a reflection of slow typing skills and unfinished musings.

Everything sounded so wonderful until that last paragraph,and then I
detected just a littlle increase in your blood pressure.

Maybe it is time for me to hike the canyon again and go deep within, Henry your reflections tapped into that memory from 1996 when I hiked the canyon and the energy that brought to my life...... thank you.

-if Mama Cass had shared half of that ham sandwich with Karen Carpenter, they'd both be alive today!

Suburban Los Angeles, CA.
Now it’s really back to civilization: stuck in an LA traffic jam. Some might consider this the leading edge of civilization: the richest city in the richest country on the planet. Others (like me) see it as something of a vast wasteland. Good, bad, & indifferent this place seems to have everything. And more of it. At our current rate of consumption, how long do you think that’ll last? And at what price?
Is the true meaning of christmas lurking somewhere among the 20 million inhabitants of Southern California? Perhaps they’re all on the freeway searching for it. Or just headed to Best Buy for the gift they really wanted.

As I walk on through troubled times
my spirit gets so downhearted sometimes
So where are the strong, who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony, sweet harmony?

‘Cause each time I see it slippin away
it just makes me want to cry
What’s so funny ‘bout peace, love and understanding?
- Elvis Costello

More feedback!
-I think the the whole religious thing boils down to a search for a higher personal spiritual level. Some find it through the prayerful life facilitated through organized religion, some find it through meditation and some by communing with nature in far away quiet places

-While religion is not really my thing, I'm glad it seems to make all these other people feel better.

Secular religions are just as dangerous as the traditional religions.

No road trip to find the meaning of this holiday would be complete without a game of 3X3, Alice style! I want to read how you hacked some tribal elder in a fierce battle to control the “paint”, and then settled down afterwards for some Gatorade and hash.

Give Brownie a hug for me.

my all time favorite book is ON THE ROAD. I went to Pleasant Hill, OR earlier this year to the Ken
Kesey family farm to see FURTHUR, the psychedelic bus driven in the 60's by
Neal Cassady (the Dean Moriarty character in ON THE ROAD). FURTHUR nows
rests in a swamping thicket, day glow point slowly being overtaken by
moss. Kesey obviously preferred it there rather than the Smithsonian.

-A mobile home is mobile whenever there's a tornado warning.

-As I write this a flock of geese honks overhead and it reminds me of you and your journey, not so much because they are following their instinctive migratory wanderlust as they have for thousands of years to places south--no, they remind me of the many women you dated in Sacramento that honked like geese!

-God Bless America...

San Diego, CA.
Home again. What a trip, made even better by the cyber company of my friends and loved ones.
Where all this leads I’m not sure, but let’s go there together OK?

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